How to stop Global Warming


  How to Stop Global Warming.

How do we really stop Global Warming and Global Climate Change?


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Saving the Glaciers 

Click Here is another idea on how to stop global warming.  I was watching these guys talk about putting white insulation sheets on all of the glaciers.  Those guys are nit wits.  The cost of the project would bankrupt the world.  The amount of fuel used to bring all of those blankets to all of the glaciers and then putting them on the glaciers, would put so much CO2 in the air that it would be counter productive and actually increase global warming.  On top of that, what will we do with years and years of blankets on top of the glaciers!

Click Here's my brain storm.  Snow making machines.  As soon as the outside air temperature drops below freezing, water nozzles would come on like a lawn's sprinkler system.  Spraying the water into the air would make ice droplets which would fall on the tops of the glaciers. 

The water could come from the glaciers own runoff and then replenish the glacier with fresh water from it's own melt.  Furthermore, the increased runoff would not be lowering the salinity of the oceans and would not be increasing the sea level.

This system could be used on the tundra also with a huge network of water pipes and sprinklers driven by wind power.  This would cover the tundra in a huge ice sheet, and the stronger the wind, the wider the range of the sprinklers coverage.

I have thought of this for quite a while and it would produce the most natural type of covering allowing the wildlife to live in their most natural habitat. 

Cooling the Arctic Ocean 

But recently, I've been thinking of another use for high pressure sprinkler systems.  There is a strong ocean current coming through the Bearing Straights.  This water has both energy to drive pumps and warm water that heats the Arctic Ocean.  The energy in the movement of the water is good, but the warm water from the Pacific Ocean flowing into the Arctic Ocean is not a good thing. 

One program that I watched talked about using ships to bring water from the ocean depths, spraying it into the air being used to cool hurricanes in the tropical regions.  Another program that I watched talked about making a bridge across the Bearing Straights to join North America and Russia.  These two ideas can be used for another purpose that would be a huge benefit to the global warming of effort and a way to cool down the Arctic Ocean.

Combining the ideas of shooting ocean water into the air and building the bridge can make a huge reduction in the Arctic Ocean temperatures. 

Click Here's the idea.  Build the pilings for the bridge, immediately, and use them for platforms for huge sprinkler systems.  This way the preliminary construction of the bridge will be in place and we would have a place to hold the power generation stations and house the sprinkler systems in the meantime. 

On cold days, the sprinkler system would turn on spraying the warm water into the air, sucking the cold out of the atmosphere and dropping the temperature of the water flowing into the arctic ocean helping the early formation of Arctic Ocean ice. 

Saving the Arctic Ocean Coastlines 

This same technique can also be used on the Arctic Ocean coastlines.   Costal villages are experiencing erosion up to thirty meters a year.  These spraying machines can take salt water and spray it back over the ocean raining down in the form of ice.  This will lower of the ocean's temperature around the costal areas increasing the formation of ice along the shore lines.

Just think of the Polar Bear.  They will now have a habitat to live in.  The seals would have their habitat restored and the coastal erosion would be back into its natural condition.  How do you like that, a simple use of wave power, tidal power and ocean currents can be used to supply the entire ice regeneration system.

Instead of putting a Band-Aid on the problem we need to duplicate natures methods as closely as we can so we do not add additional problems to our environment that we will have to contend with in the future. 

The cold air has very little thermal inertia so when the spring comes, it warms very quickly.  But if we can pull the cold out of the air all winter, we can store the thermal inertia in a thick coat of highly heat reflective white snow and ice.  The sprayer grid can be much less costly than the mats, add a natural covering and be ecologically friendly. 

And there's one more thing about the mats.  The mats will starve all of the animals that rely on the glaciers ecology, plus, what do we do with the mats when they need to be removed.  The mats will cause huge problems with yearly use, they would kill the animal populations that depend on them and we would end up with layer after layer of a petroleum manufactured mat. 

Click Here to see the Trans Alaska Pipeline with the Sprinkler system on it.





Click Here's a good article that shows many other ideas on alternate energy and the stoppage of Global Warming.



Read More about Global Warming and find out the Truth



  NASA Visible Earth, Click Here for their Search Index 

  Read More about Global Warming and find out the Truth

The background picture was taking by the Webmaster on the North Pole Expedition of 2003, of the sea ice while flying to the island of Spitsbergen, Norway in the Arctic Ocean.  I watched global warming happen in my nine years of North Pole Expedition evolvement.  It's real.



Latest YouTube video Look at this Arctic Ice Video between 2002 and 2007
The ice loss is way ahead of the most advanced climate change models.



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Read the Webmasters Story, "Why God Sent Me to the North Pole." You will Be Surprised.

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